Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Inside Outside: Making the List

The Upper Peninsula gets its due in Outside magazine's February issue. Outside's admittedly arbitrary and unscientific but ridiculously funny and cool "63 Perfect Things" includes The U.P. at #46.

Just like this:
46. THE U.P.

Consider for a moment that this is an international magazine with a circulation around 700,000 (more than double the total pop. of the U.P.), how many people are going to look at that and understand how two little letters can spell freedom, community, wilderness and a lot of other cool words I could list if I did things like lists.

THIS JUST IN, #63 is the Stormy Kromer cap which everyone knows is as U.P. as a pasty pie. Even has a picture of a red plaid one.

So congrats to my beloved U.P. and the Kromer!

Stay tuned for some other news from me and Outside in an upcoming issue, hint, hint, wink, wink. Cha-ching.

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